


Accepting registration for the 2023-2024 school year.  If you are interested in a spot for the current school year, please call us ASAP at 905-387-2768 or email us at [email protected] 


Hours of Operation

Preschool Program Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-12:00pm
Toddler Program Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-11:30am



  • The Federal and Provincial governments have implemented the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care agreement (CWELCC) to offer more affordable childcare options to families.  Our centre has chosen to participate in this initiative, and we are in compliance with the fee reductions established for the school year.  The CWELCC fee reduction applies to the programs base fees (daily rate plus registration and insurance fees).


  • Preschool Class $12.00 per day (the actual number of scheduled school days will vary from month to month) 


  • Toddler Class $17.13 per day (the actual number of scheduled school days will vary from month to month)


  • Registration Fee $50.00 **
  • Insurance Fee $30.00 **
  • Enrollment Deposit ***

**Registration and insurance fees will be added to you first month's fee. 
***Enrollment deposit is due upon sign up and is required to hold your child's spot on the registration list.  The full $100 will be reimbursed once your child begins at our school.  There is no enrollment deposit if your child is waitlisted.